The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2020-2021

研究與知識轉移:日新又新 碩果纍纍 香港教育大學 2020-2021 年報 23 Celebration of the 29 international innovation awards won during the year, in the fields of education, environmental conservation and creative arts 本校年內榮獲二十九個國際發明獎項,涵蓋教育、環境保育與創 意藝術領域 研究人才樞紐 教大歷年吸納不少來自世界各地的研究人才,尤其教育領域方面的 專才。現時,本校有逾三百三十名攻讀哲學碩士、哲學博士及教育 博士課程的學生。於二零二零至二一年度,四名新生更獲研究資助 局(研資局)頒發香港博士研究生獎學金。同期,亦有五名教大研究 人員獲研資局博士後獎學金,該計劃特為教資會資助大學培育的本 地及非本地年輕研究人才而設,旨在支援剛起步的研究人員開展其 事業里程。 sciences, and mathematics. In the subject discipline of education, the University ranked first, both in terms of the number of successful projects and the amount awarded. The 16 approved GRF and ECS projects in education secured HK$11.88 million research funding, sharing 47.72% of the total funding in the discipline. Research talent hub The University continued to attract research talent from different parts of the world, particularly in the field of education. Among over 330 doctoral students in our Research Postgraduate and Doctor of Education programmes, four EdUHK-nominated candidates were accepted under the Research Grants Council’s (RGC) prestigious Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme in 2020-21. During the period, five of our researchers were awarded funding from the RGC’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, which supports young local and non-local researchers at UGC-funded universities at a pivotal time of their fledgling careers. For the second cohort of UGC’s Targeted Taught Postgraduate Programmes Fellowships Scheme, EdUHK was allocated 65 fellowship places in seven taught postgraduate programmes, such as STEM education, speech therapy and sports coaching and management. In addition, two research postgraduate candidates were awarded the HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund Targeted Scholarship Scheme – Belt and Road Scholarship (Research Postgraduate) for the next academic year. 在第二屆教資會「指定研究院修課課程獎學金計劃」中,教大共有 七個修課式研究生課程獲納入計劃,提供合共六十五個獎學金名 額。相關課程包括:STEM教育、言語治療,以及運動教練及管理 等。此外,兩名研究生獲「香港特別行政區政府獎學基金」屬下的 特定地區獎學金計劃「一帶一路獎學金 – 研究院研究課程」資助, 於下學年攻讀哲學博士課程。 Awardees of the RGC’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme: Dr Amelia Xu Zhengye and Dr Benjamin Mulvey 「研資局博士後獎學金」得主: 許崢燁博士及Benjamin Mulvey 博士