The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2020-2021

學與教:掌握機遇 籌謀未來 香港教育大學 2020-2021 年報 15 Professional excellence and ethical responsibility Under the new common core curriculum, the University continues to review and update the General Education domain to broaden students’ perspectives and multiple thinking skills in understanding real-life issues, which transcends the boundaries of disciplinary knowledge. There was also a new minor in promoting creative teaching and learning in classroom settings. Additionally, all BEd students admitted since the 2019 academic year are required to complete a Field Experience Foundation Course with particular emphasis on teachers’ morality, professional values and conduct, legal knowledge and compliance. The course has been developed in alignment with the standards recommended by the Education Bureau’s Committee on Professional Development of Teachers and Principals. The University also launched a new website on the code of conduct and professional ethics required of teachers, with guidelines on professional attributes, work attitudes and required skill sets. 專業卓越 道德責任 在新的共同核心課程下,本校一直檢視及更新大學通識教育課程內 容,以期跨越學科界限,開拓學生視野,培養他們多元思維與日常 解難能力。此外,本校亦推出一個全新副修課程,推動教室內的創 意教與學。 此外,二零一九年及其後入學的教育學士課程學生必需修畢「學校 體驗基礎課程」。該課程參照教育局轄下教師及校長專業發展委員 會所訂立的標準,以助學生認識專業倫理、專業操守及法律規條等 課題。本校年內亦推出相關網頁,詳列教師應有的專業素質、工作 態度及技能要求等指引。