EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

of receptions at the President’s Lodge, which brought together community leaders and our undergraduate students, most of whom are prospective teachers. Universities are often referred to as a microcosm of society. Amidst the challenges faced by the community as a whole, the core values treasured by University members have greater significance today than ever. Rationality, inclusiveness and mutual respect matter. It is my genuine belief that these timeless values should serve as our guiding principles in all circumstances. 張仁良教授 , SBS, JP, Officier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques 校長 Professor Stephen Cheung Yan-leung , SBS, JP, Officier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques President 大學素來被視為社會縮影。當整個社會面臨挑戰, 大學所珍視的核心價值:理性、包容,以及互相尊重, 較諸以往任何時刻都來得重要。我堅信,在任何情況 下,這些恆久不變的價值,始終是我們必須持守的原 則。 Scholarship recipients, Council Chairman, and Executive Director (Charities & Community) of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Mr Leong Cheung (bottom row, first from left) at a reception held at The President’s Lodge in February 2019 獎學金得主、校董會主席和香港賽馬會慈善及社區事務執行總監張亮先生(前排左一)於二零一九年二月,出席一個在校長宿舍舉辦的茶聚 9 President’s Overview 校長的話