EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

interdisciplinary courses, there will be more field experience exposure for BEd students to put teaching theory into practice. The curriculum changes are the result of a comprehensive review and benchmarking studies conducted in the past few years. Complementing the new curriculum is the implementation of the “Peer & I” (“Professional Excellence”, “Ethical Responsibility” and “Innovation”) graduate attributes. The new framework is applicable to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. This is our robust response to the changing educational landscape and expectations that society has of us as a leading university in teacher education. The next triennium (2019–2022) will see a re-allocation of our publicly funded BEd places, with greater emphasis on STEM-related subjects, especially primary mathematics and general studies, to support Hong Kong’s manpower needs. In particular, I have set STEM and life education as the University’s priority areas in the coming five years to enhance the professional capacity of teachers and the development of related teaching materials. At the postgraduate level, we signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in 2019 with Hiroshima University (HU) in Japan for developing a programme which would award a Doctor of Education (EdD) degree at EdUHK and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree at HU. This new MOU, together with our existing programme collaborations at doctoral level with the University of Lorraine in France, and Leuphana University of Lüneburg in Germany, offer different disciplines and learning opportunities for PhD and EdD students. Leadership in education research and innovation On the research front, EdUHK shone in the latest research funding exercises under the Research Grants Council. A total of HK$26.86 million in research funding was awarded to 41 EdUHK projects in the 2019/20 General Research Fund (GRF), Early Career Scheme (ECS), and Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme. EdUHK once again ranked first in the subject discipline of Education in the GRF exercise, both in the number of awarded projects and the awarded amount, securing 46 per cent of the total awarded amount. Under the ECS exercise, the University also ranked first in the discipline of Psychology and Linguistics. With four ECS projects being awarded HK$3.92 million in total, EdUHK secured the most funding among its sister universities. 教大一直提倡透過創新學與教,培育廿一世紀教育 及專業人才。我很高興本校一位同事於二零一八年獲 頒教資會新晉教學人員傑出教學獎,以表揚其優秀 的教學表現和成就,以及對學術卓越的追求。 本校計劃於二零一九至二零學年,在教育學士課程 推行新課程,而非教育學士課程的共同核心課程亦 會作出相應調整。除引入計算學分的體驗學習及跨 學科課程外,修讀教育學士課程的同學將有更多實 習機會,實踐其教學理論。這些課程改動乃建基於 過去數年的全面檢視與基準研究。 為配合新課程,本校同時實行適用於本科生及 研究生的畢業生素質,包括三個範疇,英文簡稱 為“PEER & I",即「專業卓越」、「道德責任」與「 創新精神」,藉以回應不斷變化的教育環境,以及社 會對教大作為教師教育先導大學的期許。 下一個三年期(二零一九至二零二二 年),本校獲分派的公帑資助教育學 士學位課程的學額,將有新調配, 較著重與STEM相關的科目,尤其小 學數學與常識科,以配合香港未來 的人力資源需求。為此,本校特別把 STEM教育及生命教育列作未來五 年的優先發展範疇,以加強教師的 專業能力與相關教材的開發。 研究生課程方面,我們於二零一九年 六月與日本廣島大學就發展雙博士 學位課程簽署合作備忘錄。學生完 成課程後將獲教大頒授教育博士學 位及廣島大學頒授哲學博士學位。 早前,本校已分別與法國洛林大學及 德國呂訥堡大學合作開辦雙博士學 位課程,為哲學博士生及教育博士生 提供不同的學科和學習機會。 帶領教育研究及創新 教大在研究資助局最新的研究撥款結果中表現出 色,有四十一個項目分別獲「優配研究金」、「傑出青 年學者計劃」及「人文學及社會科學傑出學者計劃」 撥款資助,總金額達二千六百八十六萬港元。 本年度「優配研究金」撥款申請中,教大於教育科目 範圍再佔鰲頭,獲資助項目數量及撥款總額均為本 地大學之首,佔該範圍總資助金額百分之四十六。此 外,教大亦於「傑出青年學者計劃」心理及語言學科 目範圍稱冠,四個項目共獲得三百九十二萬港元資 助,撥款總額及項目數量均為眾校之首。 EdUHK and Hiroshima University sign dual doctoral degree agreement 教大與日本廣島大學就發展雙博士學位課程簽署協議 7 香港教育大學 2018-2019 年報 President’s Overview 校長的話