EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

committed to ensuring the implementation of the UAA under the principles of transparency and accountability. Before closing, I wish to thank outgoing Council Members Mrs Viola Chan Man Yee-wai, Professor Robert Damian Adamson, Professor Joanne Chung Wai-yee and Mr Cheung Yam for their dedicated service to the Council. I would also like to extend a warm welcome to our new Council Members, Mr Glenn Fok, Professor Mark Mason, Dr Eric Tsang Po-keung and Mr Leung Yiu-ting. The past 25 years have witnessed the phenomenal development of the former Institute and EdUHK, fulfilling our core mission in teacher education. With the solid foundation laid and the concerted efforts of our colleagues, students, alumni and partners of the University, I have every confidence that we will continue to make significant strides forward in our traditional strengths and complementary areas for many years to come. 馬時亨教授 , GBS, JP 校董會主席 Professor Frederick Ma Si-hang , GBS, JP Chairman of the Council 本年度另一重要舉措,乃與大學教育資助委員會(教 資會)簽訂2019-22三年期大學問責協議。校董會對 大學管治,一向非常重視;諮詢期間,已和教資會緊 密合作,並提出不少建議。該協議載列教大及其他 資助院校於五個主要範疇的表現指標,包括:學生體 驗教與學的質素、研究表現及研究生體驗的質素、 知識轉移及公眾參與、國際化,以及院校財務及可持 續發展。校董會及管理層團隊承諾,會在公開及問責 的原則下,落實協議規定。 在此,我要向離任的校董會成員:陳文綺慧女士、鮑 勃教授、鍾慧儀教授和張鑫先生,致以衷心感謝。同 時,我亦歡迎新任校董會成員:霍經麟先生、Mark Mason教授、曾寶強博士和梁耀霆先生。 二十五年來,我們一同見證前教院與教大的長足發 展,履行培育優秀教師的核心使命。我深信,憑藉紮 實的基礎,加上師生、校友與夥伴共同努力,我們定 能在未來的日子,繼續在傳統優勢領域及相關學科, 邁步向前。 5 香港教育大學 2018-2019 年報 Chairman’s Foreword 校董會主席前言