EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

香港校服百年演變 香港教育博物館於二零一八年十一月起,舉辦「香港 校服今昔」展覽活動,以填補與校服相關學術文獻 匱乏的現狀,並讓訪客瞭解過去百年校服的演變史。 是次展覽為期一年,首度在香港舉辦,展示不同學 校,如何藉著校服上的校徽、標誌、造型、布料及顏 色設計,凸顯本身特色。 宣揚粵劇文化 聯合國教科文組織於二零零九年,將粵劇列入人類 非物質文化遺產之一。此前,教大眾多學者已一直致 力宣揚及發展此項表演藝術。傳承粵劇的豐厚文化, 自要面對各種挑戰,教大特為此設立粵劇傳承研究 中心。 今年為本校二十五周年校慶,適逢粵劇列入聯合國 教科文組織非物質文化遺產名錄十周年紀念,中心 於二零一九年六月二十日與二十一日,一連兩晚,假 西九文化區戲曲中心舉辦「粵劇‧粵曲晚會」,吸引 逾一千七百名觀眾到場觀賞。「粵劇‧粵曲晚會」旨 在加強粵劇界、教大與公眾之間的聯繫與合作。 Celebrating heritage and culture 文化承傳 A century of school uniforms in Hong Kong To redress the paucity of academic literature on school uniforms and to give visitors an overview of their development over the past 100 years, the Hong Kong Museum of Education launched the Hong Kong School Uniforms – Past and Present exhibition in November 2018. The year-long exhibition, the first of its kind in Hong Kong, provides a visual summary of how schools differentiate themselves through badges and logos, and the styling, fabric and colour of their uniforms. Transmission of cultural heritage Long before the inclusion of Cantonese opera on the UNESCO Human Intangible Cultural Heritage list in 2009, EdUHK scholars had been facilitating the transmission and development of the art form. In light of the challenges in sustaining the rich cultural heritage of Cantonese opera, EdUHK established the Research Centre for Transmission of Cantonese Opera. To mark the University’s 25th anniversary and the 10th anniversary of UNESCO’s inscription of this art form on its Intangible Cultural Heritage list, the Centre put on two nights of performances in the Grand Theatre of the Xiqu Centre in the West Kowloon Cultural District on 20 and 21 June 2019, attracting an audience of about 1,700 people. The aim of the Cantonese Opera Night event was to strengthen collaboration among the Cantonese opera community, the University and the general public. Until today, students of Maryknoll Fathers’ School (Primary Section) wear the uniform inspired by the amah’s uniform 瑪利諾神父教會學校(小學部) 的校服仍沿用傳統的「大襟裝」, 在香港極為罕見 Actors, from veteran stars aged 80 and above to emerging teenage talent, share the same stage. Intergenerational collaboration was one of the highlights of the Cantonese Opera Night 年屆八十及以上的資深粵劇名伶,與年輕新晉演員同台演 出。跨世代合作乃「粵劇‧粵曲晚會」其中一個精彩場面 Drawings by Ms Sheila Chan 校服繪畫:陳美怡 33 香港教育大學 2018-2019 年報 Making a difference 積極參與 發揮影響