EdUHK Annual Report 2018-2019

On the occasion of the Honorary Fellowship Presentation Ceremony 2019, the 25th anniversary logo with the theme of “Driving Innovation, Making a Difference” was unveiled, kicking off a series of events to commemorate this milestone of EdUHK. 在榮譽院士頒授典禮上,教大發布以「創·變」為題 的二十五周年校慶標誌,為一連串活動揭開序幕。 Graduates from different years came together to celebrate EdUHK’s 25th anniversary and reminisce on the good experiences they had in their beloved alma mater. 不同年份畢業的校友聚首,同賀教大二十五周年校慶,回憶他 們在母校經歷的種種。 Hong Kong’s first-ever International Geography Olympiad was held on the EdUHK campus, attended by 166 top geography students and over 80 education practitioners from 43 countries. 香港首屆國際地理奧林匹克在教大校園舉行,吸引來自四 十三個國家及地區、一百六十六名頂尖地理學生以及逾八 十名教育工作者參與。 In recognition of their contribution to the University and society, EdUHK awarded Honorary Fellowships to four distinguished individuals: (from left) Mr Chu Tsz-wing, Ms Amy Chan Lim-chee, Ms Sarah Lee Wai-sze and Mr Fok Woo-ping. 教大頒授榮譽院士銜予四名傑出人士, 嘉許他們對大學及社會的貢獻。他們分 別為:(左起)朱子穎先生、陳念慈女士、 李慧詩女士及霍和平先生。 03.2019 03.2019 03.2019 07.2019 11 香港教育大學 2018-2019 年報 Silver Jubilee - Special Moments 銀禧剪影