Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 8, Issue 1, Article 2 (June, 2007)
Evaluation of pre-service teachers' images of science teaching in Turkey

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In this study, the DASTT-C was used as the primary data collection instrument. On the first page, students were instructed to "Draw a picture of yourself as a science teacher at work." On the second page the students' were instructed to write a brief explanation describing their drawings and specifically answer the questions, "What is the teacher doing" and "What are the students doing?" regarding their drawings.

The DASTT-C consists of three sections, (a) Teacher, including 2 subsections, teacher's activity and teacher's positions; (b) Student, including 2 subsections, student's activity and student's position; and (c) Environment, including 5 subsections, desks arranged in rows, teacher desk, lab organization, symbols of teaching, and symbols of science knowledge. Each subsection is scored in a dichotomous fashion with an indication of "present" or "not present" in the picture. Each element in each subsection of the instrument is considered by the instrument's developers to depict stereotypical elements of teaching and classroom images. If a stereotypical element appears in a student's drawings, that element on the checklist is marked. Total checklist scores can range from 0 to 13. Scores are grouped into three ranges on a continuum, with scores of 0-4 representative of student-centered teaching style, 10-13 representative of teacher-centered teaching style, and 5-9 representative of neither student-centered nor teacher-centered teaching style (appendix A, B, C). Thomas, Pedersen and Finson (2001) defined their use of the terms student-centered as representing exploratory or inquiry/constructivist teaching, in which students are actively engaged and the teacher is guiding or facilitating the learning and in which the students are selecting and pursuing those investigations of interest and importance to them; teacher-centered as representing explicit/didactic teaching in which the teacher is the central image and one who is predominantly a transmitter of information, while students are relatively passive and often in desks arranged in rows; middle scores are represented by conceptual teaching showing students at the center, but likely to include more teacher images within the central aspects of the images and have them leading the development of concepts or providing information leading directly to concept formation and usually show students engaged in exploration and investigation with materials (Finson, 2001; Thomas & Pedersen, 2001; Thomas,  Pedersen, & Finson, 2001).

Although DASTT-C developers, Thomas, Pedersen, and Finson, reported the instrument's reliability to be KR-20 = 0.82, we found the instrument's reliability to be KR-20 = 0.71.  Three individuals who examined it for relevance of content determined the validity via review of drawings.



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