Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 8, Issue 1, Article 12 (June, 2007)
SITI HENDON Sheikh Abdullah & KHALIJAH Mohd Salleh
Science teaching for enlightenment: A holistic approach in developing a teacher's guide for best practices to teach at secondary level

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A teacher’s guide for teaching-learning (TGTL) for science teaching at secondary level was developed. It was based on best practices and a holistic conceptual framework in teaching science for enlightenment. The paper is made up of three parts: description of (1)  the basic concepts of enlightenment, best practices and holistic approach (2)  the framework and a holistic model for best practices (HOBP) used to construct the guide, the assessment and refinement of the HOBP model through classroom activities and (3) the construction of the  TGTL based on suggestions for best practices in science teaching gathered from Malaysian science teachers and students, The construction of TGTL takes into consideration the students’ learning problems. The authors believe that the TGTL developed can help teachers translate knowledge and understanding of best practices into classroom teaching, particularly teaching of physics at the upper secondary level. It provides teachers with professional assistance to manage teaching and ensure satisfactory student’s performance.  



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