Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 7, Issue 2, Article 2 (Dec., 2006)
An investigation of pre-service teacher’s self-efficacy and self-Image as a science teacher in Egypt

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To answer the research questions, stated above, two instruments were used; the STEBI-B and the DASTT-C. The instruments were translated into Arabic then checked for validation and reliability. The process of validation was by referring the translated instruments to a professor of English Language for any language modifications. Reliability was determined by administrating the instruments to a group of ten pre-service teachers, other than those included in the study. Responses were analysed before the instruments were used again to calculate reliability coefficient 'Item-total statistics', using SPSS (version 10.0 for Windows), (alpha = 0.79).

The instruments were administered to all three groups at the beginning of the science teaching methods course, taught by the author of this study, and then re-administered as post-tests at the end of the term.  The science teaching methods course is a 4 hour ‘class’ throughout a 14 week term, underpinned by a constructivist approach to teaching and learning. Students were placed in cooperative groups to accomplish tasks in and out official class times to apply and extend their knowledge of science teaching. Furthermore, pre-service teachers in this study created teaching-portfolios which promoted reflective thinking skills and increased their attitudes towards teaching in an attempt to experience a student-centred teaching and learning approach (El-Deghaidy, 2006). Topics covered by the course exposed pre-service teachers to a range of conventional and contemporary teaching strategies. In addition, the nature of science (NOS), science process skills and assessment techniques were also covered. As part of the programme, pre-service teachers had access to actual classroom teaching experiences through weekly teaching-practicum. Video recordings of their teaching were used during the classes to stimulate reflection and discussion of best practises, in both large and small groups. Microteaching presentations were held during classes to provide for first hand teaching experiences with peers assessing each other and providing supportive commentary.


The 'Draw-A-Science-Teacher-Test- Checklist' (DASTT-C) was used as a tool to measure aspects related to science teachers’ behaviour in class: how they view science teaching (student-centred or teacher-centred), and what mental representations they hold for their future work. Pre-service teachers were provided with an A4 sheet of white paper and given instructions according to the test Thomas, et. al., (2001) developed and validated. The instructions were 'Draw a picture of yourself as a science teacher at work' and write a short description of the drawing. This descriptive narrative assists in scoring the drawing. The pre-service teachers were given approximately 15 minutes to draw the images. It was made clear that the drawings were for a research study and were not part of their grading. Illustrations were analysed according to a checklist (Appendix 1). The original checklist developed by Thomas, et. al., (2001) included three broad categories: the ‘Teacher’, ‘Students’, and the ‘Classroom environment’. Each section was divided into subscales. The 'Teacher' section, for example, was divided into two subscales which focus on the teacher’s activity (demonstrating, lecturing, using visual aids, etc.) and the teacher’s position (location with respect to students, such as at the head of the classroom, and posture). The 'Students' section of the instrument is likewise divided into two subscales which focus on the activities of students (passively receiving information, responding to the teacher, etc.) and students’ positions (as seated within the classroom). The third section, 'Environment', consists of elements typically found inside classrooms such desks arranged in rows, teacher desk/table located at the front of the room, symbols of teaching (i.e., chalkboards), and symbols of science (i.e., science equipment). In general, each section is scored in a dichotomous fashion with an indication of 'present' or 'not present' in the picture. Each element in each section is considered to depict teacher-centred elements of teaching and classroom images. However, since this study was investigating pre-service teachers’ images and self-efficacy beliefs, modifications were made to the original categories. The categories ‘Teacher’ and ‘Student’ and the first two elements in the ‘Classroom environment’ category (desks arranged in rows and teacher desk located at the front of the room) were grouped under a different title. The three other elements in the ‘Classroom environment’ category, however, were not included as they do not represent elements of either teacher or student-centred methodologies. The suggested title was ‘Teacher centredness’, as it included all elements in the original checklist that would reflect, on the one hand, a teacher-centred approach if found in the drawing or, on the other hand, a student-centred approach if not portrayed. The modified checklist consisted therefore of one broad category with ten elements and scores ranging from 0 to 10. In general, the higher the score, the more teacher-centred the image being examined portraying the teacher standing centrally, students listening or watching to a lecture or demonstration and desks arranged in rows. A low score would reflect a more student-centred, alternative classroom with the teacher working at a table of students while others work in groups engaged in similar or different activities, with lesser presence of desks in rows and students moving around the class. Throughout this study the term ‘teacher-centredness’ reflects a high score on the modified DASTT-C total and the term ‘student-centredness’ reflects a low score. Appendix 2 represents examples of ‘teacher-centredness’ and ‘student-centredness’ classes.   


The STEBI is an instrument based on Bandura’s definition of self-efficacy as a situation-specific construct. The instrument was developed by Riggs and Enochs (1990) to measure efficacy of teaching science. There are two forms, the Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument form A (STEBI-A) for in-service teachers (Riggs & Enochs, 1990) and the Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument form B (STEBI-B) for pre-service teachers (Enochs & Riggs, 1990). The STEBI-B consists of 23 statements which are divided to provide two sub-scores, which are randomly embedded in the instrument. Thirteen of the statements yield scores for the Personal Science Teaching Efficacy (PSTE) subscale, which reflect science teachers’ confidence in their ability to teach science. The other ten statements yield scores for the Science Teaching Outcome Expectancy (STOE) subscale, which reflect science teachers’ beliefs that student learning can be influenced by effective teaching. Participants used a five-point Likert-type scale to respond to each of the 23 statements by selecting one of the following responses: strongly agree (5), agree (4), are uncertain (3), disagree (2), or strongly disagree (1). Any positively worded statement is scored by awarding five points for 'strongly agree' responses, four points for 'agree' responses, and so forth. Negatively worded statements are scored by reversing the numeric values. The possible range of PSTE scores is 13 to 65 while that of STOE scores is from 10 to 50. It is worth noting that scores of the PSTE and STOE do not add up to a total score, as they measure different aspects of science teaching self-efficacy. Reliability coefficients for the two scales were .82 and .75 for the PSTE and STOE, respectively.


Copyright (C) 2006 HKIEd APFSLT. Volume 7, Issue 2, Article 2 (Dec., 2006). All Rights Reserved.