Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 5, Issue 3


In this December or Third Issue of Volume 5, we are very delighted to have a very inspiring and readable foreword on "Promoting Thinking through Pedagogical Changes in Science Lessons" as contributed by Prof. Anges Shook Cheong CHANG (Nanyang Technological University, SINGAPORE). This article demonstrates the interplay of science learning and critical thinking and the latter has been identified as one of the nine generic skills highly valued and promoted by the recent education reform in Hong Kong.

In the Academic Articles section, there are three articles on some fairly localised themes of science education - "assessment in Turkey", "Chinese language and science" and "lesson studies in primary science". In the Genearl Articles section, there are five articles covering a quite diverse spectrum of science teaching and learning in mainland China and Hong Kong. As contributed from some science educators in China, we have an article on "Science students' learning psychology and behaviour" and another articles on "Environmental legal education". From local science educators, we have another two articles on "science investigation" which are illustrated with concrete examples in local school setting. Besides, there is an interesting article on "Reflection: its concepts and applications in geometry" which nicely integrates mathematics with science learning.

This issue is highlighted by two special sections on the Primary Science Project Competition 2003 and 2004 events as edited by Winnie SO. They are the Internet version of two books which are so popular that they run out of print. There contain some detailed reports of 34 outstanding science projects conducted by various Hong Kong primary schools in years 2003 and 2004. Those materials are provided as some valuable references and exemplars for primary school teachers and pupils to carry out project learning on various science or science-related themes. As an usual practice, the pdf version of articles in the Foreword, Academic Articles and General Articles sections are available for downloading in our Download section.

Finally, we would like to express our sincere thanks to the 14 external referees and all members of our Editorial Board who have carefully and critically reviewed those manuscripts considered for publication in this issue. Thanks are also due to all persons who have contributed articles in this issue and to all research assistants and colleagues in the HKIEd Science Department who offered their kind assistance in developing and promoting this online periodical. The Manhattan Press (H.K.) Ltd. of SNP Panpac (H.K.) Ltd. is specially thanked for their kindness in offering sponsorship to support the continual publication of this online journal.

Yau Yuen YEUNG
Chief Editor
Editorial Board, APFSLT
December, 2004

Copyright (C) 2004 HKIEd APFSLT. Volume 5 Issue 3 (Dec., 2004). All Rights Reserved. ISSN 1609-4913.