Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 17, Issue 1, Article 12 (Jun., 2016)
Ahmad MUHLISIN, Herawati SUSILO, Mohamad AMIN and Fatchur ROHMAN
Improving critical thinking skills of college students through RMS model for learning basic concepts in science

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Based on the above analysis revealed that students' critical thinking skills that are facilitated with RMS learning model is better than the students who facilitated with conventional learning models. At this stage of reading, deliberately facilitated students to read critically the material to be studied with a variety of learning resources. Critical reading activities students are expected to seek as much information about a material or concept that is being studied. Activities undertaken in the critical reading namely, understood these works by recognizing the facts and interpret what has been read, it means: to understand the idea anyway, knowing the facts and detail the importance, can make conclusions and interpretations of the idea, to distinguish the material presented as opinion or fact, comparing the learning resources with one another, and give conclusions and why. The process is able to facilitate their students to develop critical thinking skills. Read the topic from a variety of sources can improve thinking skills because it requires reasoning and evaluation in selecting appropriate information (Facione, 1990). This is supported by studies White et al (2009) that gave the example, give a reason, looking for similarities and differences, determining the main idea, and draw conclusions able to improve critical thinking skills.

Early information possessed by students subsequently used to perform at the next stage of learning, mind mapping mind mapping individual and collaborative group. The process that facilitates students in exploring ideas in written form of mind maps. Activity mind mapping is a useful conceptual metaphor to facilitate the development of critical thinking skills because it allows to analyze the linguistic fragments (Tsirkunova, 2013). This is supported by studies Thomas (2011) that the work for the student to be able to explore ideas is a step to develop critical thinking. According Sarhangi et al., 2011; Ristiasari et al., 2012) in his research menyebuttkan that mind mapping activities can improve students' critical thinking.

Mind mapping collaborative activities aimed at facilitating the discussions, asked questions, exchange ideas or thoughts, seek information, analyze, mengevalausi, and draw the conclusion that students' critical thinking skills can be improved. It fits Kalelioglu & Gulbahar study (2013) that the discussion group that emphasizes collaborative brainstorming, evaluating the results of the work, and draw conclusions able to improve critical thinking. Making a mind map as a collaborative group was also able to reduce the anxiety of learning, capable of making the meaningfulness of learning so that students are able to develop the thinking, and able to increase participation in connecting something along with the reasons, assumptions and conclusions. Results of research Jena (2012); Nilson et al., (2014) that create a mind map as a collaborative group makes learning more meaningful, reduce anxiety oneself, and improve learning partsisipasi being able to identify the reason, alternative, and conclusions.

The final step in RMS learning model that is sharing the results of the collaborative mind mapping groups by exposing these results to the class. Sharing activities trigger their mind of every student exchange will help the critical thinking skills of each student. It fits research Nezami et al (2013) that the sharing activity by presenting the results of the working group were able to improve critical thinking skills. Cooperative learning activities such as problem solving, social interaction involving a variety of sources, diversity of viewpoints, and an opportunity to critique among one another is a thing that can improve critical thinking skills.

The last part of the activities of their interaction and the sharing of evaluation or confirmation of lecturers related matter or topic that has been studied students were able to improve students' critical thinking skills. The process of evaluation or confirmation facilitate students in training evaluation to something useful in making decisions in everyday life. The results of the study Thomas (2011) explains that the feedback in the learning process can improve critical thinking skills. It fits research Geng (2014) mentions that take decisions in an information can improve critical thinking skills.

Analysis of statistical data related to the influence of academic ability of critical thinking skills showed that no significant influence on the academic ability of students' critical thinking skills. It provides information that RMS learning model is able to bridge the gap between academic groups below and above the academic learning process that affects the critical thinking skills. RMS learning model demanding activities of individuals in seeking further information on preliminary information is used as a discussion of making a mind map as a collaborative group between members heterogeneous group. Their cooperation with one another in group activities can improve critical thinking skills and shorten the time each member of the group in developing the thinking process. This is according to the results of research Valdes et al (2015) that collaboration in group work can improve critical thinking skills and reducing their time in developing his thinking process.

The process of group discussions undertaken collaboratively requires interaction in discussing a particular topic, pouring in writing, and draw conclusions together, so that experience and knowledge reorganized to be mastered and understood. It fits the opinion Dwijananti & Yulianti (2010) that the process of collaborative discussion helps students to compare the differences and similarities with the new knowledge on the receipt, so that the critical thinking skills of each student can be increased. Al Sharadgah research results (2014) that the critical thinking skills can be enhanced through looking for information about a given topic, collaboration, and rewriting the topics that have been studied. Likewise, the results of research Yen Ju et al (2014) that the collaborative process is a factor that contributes to critical thinking skills, find a real learning environment, and relevant to their learning process.

Results of testing the effect of the interaction between the learning model with the academic ability of critical thinking skills, show that there is no interaction effect of both. RMS learning model mengakomudir individual work steps, collaborative groups at this stage of mind mapping, and sharing as a group capable of creating individual responsibility in improving the thinking process. It is seen from the observer field notes related student activities. Field notes indicate start of the third meeting onwards the student's low academic has begun to show an increase in critical thinking skills seen a few indications that, the quality of questions that have been able to connect the problems that occur in the field or experience in the field that requires a response analysis and evaluation; the quality of the answers the students were able to show evidence of an answer which he supports; and conclusions expressed have demonstrated a conclusion that the comprehensive. This is consistent with research Almubaid (2014); Styron (2014) that the increase in critical thinking skills can be seen from the quality of the link something in understanding, addressing, evaluating, and draw correct conclusions.

Activity learning process that demands personal responsibility in each learning progress at each step of RMS learning model proven effective in improving critical thinking skills of each student both academic ability and academic on low. Results of research D'Antoni et al (2010) that mind mapping can be used to improve critical thinking at all academic levels for each individual is required to organize, store information, and record their thought process on paper, thus increasing the skills of critical berpkir every student can improved.

Social interaction in group activities both collaborative and sharing is also able to increase the responsibility of the individual in his thinking process so as to increase critical thinking skills of each student. This is according to the results of research Ryu et al (2014) that the collaborative is more challenging every individual to help develop critical thinking skills of each member of the group for the learners to understand a variety of different perspectives on a given situation resulting in equalization critical thinking skills of each student.


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