上一頁 內容

附錄: 半結構開放式活動單



風向儀活動單 (Working Sheet of Anemoscope)

步驟 (Step)

活動內容(Contents of Event)


Interrogation  and Student’s Prediction)

  1. 風是怎麼產生的 (How is the wind generated)


  1. 是誰讓風產生(Who makes the wind)



  1. 為何要判別風向(Why should the wind direction be measured)


  1. 風向與風速如何判定(How can the wind be measured, including speed and direction)


  1. 今日如果吹北風,請問風從哪裡來?吹向哪裡去?(What’s the direction of wind if it comes from northern side)

1. □北→南
2. □南→北
3. □以上皆非

  1. 當指針式風向儀指向西南方時,請問此時的風向是?(What’s the direction of wind while the pointer anemoscope pointing to the south-west)

1.□東南風  2.□西北風  
2.□東北風  4.□西南風   

  1. 當北風吹著不同種類的風向儀時,風向儀的指向會如何(When there comes the north wind, what does the direction of different anemoscope point to?)

1 . 風車型指向 
□北方  □南方
2. 頭小尾大指針型指向
□北方 □南方
3. 頭大尾小指針型指向
□北方 □南方

(Teacher’s Demonstration, Student’s Observation and Operation

  1. 裝滿煙霧的空氣箱出風口,煙霧會如何?(What do you observe smog coming out of exit when there is no kicking of air box)


  1. 當輕敲空氣箱兩側時,煙霧會如何?(What do you observe smog coming out of exit when kicking the side of air box)


  1.  利用風箱煙霧或轉動的電風    扇,由北向南吹到風向儀時,風向儀的指向會如何? (How does the anemoscope move when south-bound wind coming from the air box or fan blowing on the anemoscope?) 

1. 風車型風向儀指向
□北方 □南方
2. 頭小尾大指針型風向儀指向□北方 □南方
3. 頭大尾小指針型風向儀指向□北方 □南方

11. 我的DIY風車型風向儀是否會成功地運轉?(Does my own hand-made anemoscope work successfully)

1. □會
2. □不會,原因是:

12. 指向風來方向,與指向風去方向的不同風向儀,請仔細觀察其結構有何不同處?(Please closely observe what the difference it is among the different kinds of anemoscopes)



Teacher’s Explanation, Student’s
Re-filling out the question)

13. 風是怎麼產生的 (How is the wind generated)


14. 是誰讓風產生(Who makes the wind)



15. 為何要判別風向(Why should the wind direction be measured)


16. 風向與風速如何判定(How can the wind be measured, including speed and direction)


17. 今日如果吹北風,請問風從哪裡來?吹向哪裡去?(What’s the direction of wind if it comes from northern side)

1. □北→南
2. □南→北
3. □以上皆非

18. 當指針式風向儀指向西南方時,請問此時的風向是?(What’s the direction of wind while the pointer anemoscope pointing to the south-west)

1.□東南風     2.□西北風  
2.□東北風     4.□西南風   

19. 當北風吹著不同種類的風向儀時,風向儀的指向會如何(When there comes the north wind, what does the direction of different anemoscope point to?)

1 . 風車型指向 
□北方  □南方
2. 頭小尾大指針型指向
□北方 □南方
3. 頭大尾小指針型指向
□北方 □南方






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