Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 17, Issue 1, Article 6 (Jun., 2016)
Medine BARAN
Gender differences in high school students’ interests in physics

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When the findings of this study are considered generally, it is observed that, unlike the results in the literature, while female and male participants studying in high school have similar interests towards physics and problem in physics, female students are not aware of the developments in physics and also do not prefer physics as a career as much as male students. This issue should be dwelt upon. Based on the findings of this study, it could be said that the lower participation of female in physics is not because of their abilities, but their interests.  Moreover, it can be concluded that female students have a potential for physics just as male students do but environmental conditions cause them to generate negative perceptions concerning the fields of science. However, it is possible to assert that the country in which the study was conducted is a developing country and that there are social roles attributed to women. It is possible to say that, although not at a desired rate, this issue is at a better condition in developed countries. Thus, it is possible to state that there is a positive correlation between development and women being active in scientific fields. From this point of view, it can be concluded that it is crucial for a country’s development that women are represented at a satisfactory rate in fields that determine a society’s future, such as science.

The following suggestions were put forward depending on the findings obtained in the study:

  1. Effective, student-oriented classroom activities should be carried out so as to enable high school students, especially female students, to be more active in fields of physics.
  2. Physics teachers should be competent both pedagogically and professionally to increase female students’ interest in physics and to give them courage concerning these fields.
  3. Due to the socio-cultural characteristics of the research area, negative perceptions and self-efficacy levels of female students concerning physics should be examined, and they should be provided with psychological guidance when necessary.


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