Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 13, Issue 2, Article1 (Dec., 2012)
ülent BASARAN and Selahattin GÖNEN
Investigation of the effects of scorm adapted whiteboard movie techniques on students’ success in physics classes

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The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the use of Whiteboard Movie has a significant effect on secondary school students' problem solving skills and the learning outcomes in physics or not. For this purpose, the effects of Whiteboard Movie technique were tested by applying the triangulation method on the data obtained via different measurement instruments.


Physics is one of the fundamental courses both in secondary schools and in science programs at universities. A lot of students find this course difficult, abstract and boring because of the problems in physics education. There are many reasons for this negative impression and attitudes towards physics courses. Some of these reasons are as follows: instructors do not solve a sufficient number of physics problems; they do not carry out activities to develop students' problem solving skills; and they do not use technology effectively in educational environments. In this study, it was believed that web-based learning (WBL) materials would eliminate some of the present problems in application since (WBL) materials allow students to study at their own pace. Thus, WBMs were added to the web-site that has both visual and audio features. In this way, each student was able to solve as many problems as they wanted according to their own level and at their own pace. In the light of this information, the purpose of this study was to investigate whether using Whiteboard Movie had a significant effect on secondary school students' problem solving skills and on the target learning outcomes in physics or not.


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