Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 12, Issue 1, Article 11 (Jun., 2011)
Funda ORNEK and Byansi Jude ZZIWA
Measuring “g” by using trajectory projectile motion: 5E learning cycle and low-cost materials

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Application of 5E Learning Cycle Model

1. Engage: Brainstorming by asking questions (open-ended questions to engage the students in the activity). For example, how can we measure “g”? and which physical quantities do you think can be used to measure “g” in the trajectory of projectile motion?

2. Explore: By using the following low-cost materials, students design an activity to measure “g”. They will explore how to measure “g” and this activity will be conducted by guidance.

• A small ball or marble (as an object that to be released from the top of a stack of books or paper

• Meter rulers

• Paper or carbon paper (for marking the landing point of the released object)

• A table

• A stop-watch

• A wooden board (smooth surface) to make incline for releasing the ball-the system was used to launch the ball like a ball launcher.

Students should discuss the following questions with their group peers.

a) How do you think you could measure “g” with the trajectory of projectile motion in 2D?

b) How do you think the quantities that you will use might be related to each other?

c) Draw graph (s)

d) Briefly explain your reasoning behind the graph(s).

The following table and figure demonstrate a way of recording data and drawing of the set up for the activity.

Height (h=y) (cm)

X (cm)

Time(t) (s)




Figure 1: Drawing of the set up for measuring “g”



Figure 2: Pictures taken during the activity for measuring “g” by using trajectory projectile motion in PHYSWARE workshop in Italy, 2009.

Horizontal displacement: for1

Vertical displacement:for2

Slope for3

S: Slope from the y vs. x2 graph

g = 2(0.89)20.0435 = 8.41m/s2

3. Explain: Students’ observations and methods that they use to measure “g” will be shared. For example,

• What kinds of approximations and simplifications did you make? Why?

• What difficulties did you encounter in conducting this activity?

• Is the value of gravity that you found close to the theoretical value of gravity? If not, what do you think the values you obtained were not the same or closer to the theoretical value of “g”? Please explain.

In this part, students will discuss all factors affecting the results such as air resistance, friction, time measurement error (a stop-watch was used), and distance measurement error.

4. Elaboration/Extension:  Students are supposed to apply this concept in other contexts and extend their understanding and skills. This question can be asked. If you do this activity in another country to measure “g”, will you get the same value?

5. Evaluation: Students assess their knowledge and skills. They can be asked to conduct another activity to measure “g” in a different way so the activity permits evaluation of student development. For example, students can think about another way to measure “g” and design an activity to conduct to be able to measure “g”.

To teach physics, we do not need to purchase “high tech” equipment or specialty materials that are sold through physics supply catalogs. Physics activities or experiments do not need to be very costly in time and resources. Many different valuable activities like the one seen in this paper can be conducted using inexpensive materials such as balls, papers, meter sticks that can be bought from any store or can be provided from the home. The noteworthy thing about these activities students performed is that they are very easily duplicated with common, ordinary household items that can be probably found around schools or homes.



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