Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 11, Issue1, Article 11 (Jun., 2010)
Salih ÇEPNİ and Emine ÇİL
Using a conceptual change text as a tool to teach the nature of science in an explicit reflective approach

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Conceptual change texts were developed in the following stages:

1. The science and technology curriculum was analyzed the topic for study was prepared according to conceptual change texts. Conceptual change texts that were presented within the context of the article were prepared in compatibility with the objectives of magnifying lenses, which was the last section in the light unit.

2. What aspects of the nature of science were going to be covered by conceptual change texts was decided. The literature on science education, science education reform documents and science and technology curriculum were analysed to determine which elements of the nature of the science should  be taught. Conceptual change texts given in this article aimed at teaching the socio-cultural aspect (this conceptual change text was called “Despite the Observations Done by Telescope”) and subjective and distinction between observation and inference aspect of nature science (this conceptual change text was called “Incident Scene Investigation”).

3. The literature related to the conceptual change approach, with an emphasis on conceptual change texts, was analysed. Therefore, the important features of conceptual change texts were determined.  The prepared format was decided. The conceptual errors about the elements of the nature of science, to be dealt with in the study and reflected in conceptual change texts, were determined through literature research and the experience of the researchers.

4. Because the conceptual change texts are going to be prepared within the context of light unit in the science and technology curriculum, all the sections of the course curriculum related to the light unit was analysed. What the students learned about light and what they are required to  learn in the 7th grade was determined. Within the context of the article, conceptual change text,“Despite the Observations Done by Telescope,” looks at the astronomical studies conducted by Galileo and the “Incident Scene Investigation” looks at forest fires.

5. Drafts of conceptual change texts were prepared.

6. Drafted materials were presented to the experts for their feedback. One of the experts studied the nature of science when obtaining his PhD. The other expert worked as an advisor for two PhDs on the nature of science. The experts’ views contributed to the compatibility of specially developed conceptual change texts taking into account the explicit reflective approach and the philosophical basis of the conceptual change approach. Realizing scientific accuracy was a goal.

7. Conceptual change texts were revised according the experts feedback. The experts believe that the conceptual change texts created for the study were compatible with the explicit reflective approach philosophy. They emphasised that the teacher should deal with the elements of the nature explicitly and intentionally in the approach’s explicit section.  They also stated that reflection means that the students can explain what they have learned about the elements of the nature of science and can put forward their views. It was suggested that some precautions should be taken in order not to ignore the reflective part of the explicit reflective approach in the classroom. The section “Let’s Get to a Conclusion” was added to the conceptual change texts in the light of these suggestions.

8. The teacher who implemented the conceptual change texts was informed about the nature of science, approaches used in the teaching of the nature of science and how to use the conceptual change approach and conceptual change texts.

9. The pilot conceptual change texts were prepared in 2008–2009. 22 students participated in pilot program. Conceptual change texts were used in the classroom during the related teaching.

10. With the experiences obtained from the pilot, conceptual change texts were finalized. For example, the expressions and the pictures the students didn’t understand were determined and necessary changes were made. The pilot clearly showed the negative points of conceptual change texts. For example, in the “Incident Scene Investigation” conceptual change text, it was understood that the questions in the “Let’s Get to a Conclusion” section needed to be restructured. This conceptual change text deals with two elements of the nature of science, which are subjectivity and the distinction between observation and inference. In this conceptual change text, the students put forward different conclusions from the same pictures; so in the “Let’s Get to a Conclusion” section, it was observed that the distinction between the observation and the inference should be dealt with later after considering that subjectivity may result from the differences of inferences. Therefore, the questions and their order in the “Let’s Get to a Conclusion” section were reorganized.  One of the important points that attracted attention during pilot was the table of right and wrong ideas. In the conceptual change texts that were prepared, there are tables that outlined wrong ideas and how these wrong ideas occur; and there are tables that give the correct ideas and their causes. These tables created a time constraint during the practise. Therefore, the most important and noteworthy causes of the right and wrong ideas were summarized in one sentence for the sake of the time. In this way, the length of the text decreased and time was saved.


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