Centre News

APCLC Director Gives Keynote Address at Nanjing Normal University, China

Prof. Allan Walker (Joseph Lau Chair Professor of International Educational Leadership, Director of APCLC and Dean of FEHD) was invited to give keynote address at the International Conference on Ideas and Actions for Educational Excellence to be held at Nanjing Normal University on 21-23 September 2018.

Prof. Walker’s keynote address “Leading learning in schools across five East Asian societies” synthesizes findings from a set of studies of principal leadership for learning across five East Asian societies – Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, China Taipei and China. The first part of the address briefly outlines the purpose of the study and the methodology used; it also illustrates the initial findings in the form of five simple models of leadership for learning in each of the settings. The second part of the address identifies a number of similarities and then differences in approaches to leadership for learning across the societies. For example, one of the similarities was the top-down approach to defining the mission and goals of schools whereby principals worked within a fairly narrow zone of discretion. Differences across the five societies centered on the extent to which the leadership for learning role of principals was explicitly defined, and the extent to which they received training for the role. The final part of the address makes some general comparisons with some of the global literature on principal instructional leadership and suggests some future-oriented challenges for principals across the region. Variations from the global literature reflect the varying cultural, developmental and political contexts of the societies, and future challenges around the delicate balance between tradition and change.

To know more about Prof Walker’s keynote address please visit the conference website and