Tracking Studies on Chief Executive Social Media Popularity

The Academy of Hong Kong Studies works with social big data company K-Matrix by making use of its database to regularly perform social media monitoring and analysis.

In this connection, the research team of The Academy of Hong Kong Studies has successfully formulated a tracking project on “Chief Executive Social Media Popularity” regularly gathering and analyzing social media content about the Chief Executive.


n   Chief Executive Social Media Popularity in February 2018 (in Chinese)

n   Chief Executive Social Media Popularity in January 2018 (in Chinese)

n   Chief Executive Social Media Popularity in December 2017 (in Chinese)

n   Chief Executive Social Media Popularity in November 2017 (in Chinese)

n   Chief Executive Social Media Popularity in October 2017 (in Chinese)

n   Chief Executive Social Media Popularity in September 2017 (in Chinese)

n   Chief Executive Social Media Popularity in August 2017 (in Chinese)

n   Chief Executive Social Media Popularity in July 2017 (in Chinese)