Radiation Exposure in Hong Kong

Estimate the total annual radiation dose received by you in one year.
Select the appropriate choice or fill in the blank in the left hand column.  The results will be calculated for you in the right hand column.

Sources of Radiation
Annual dose received
Cosmic radiation
The level you living at: 
The no. of hours of air travelling taken by your last year:  hrs
x0.001 = mSv
Geological constituents
You are  living in the area : 
Building material
The material of your house: 
Estimate the average amount (in kg) of food you take each day: (a) rice:  kg
(b) vegetable:  kg
(c) meat:  kg
(d) fish:  kg
The average quantity of milk you drink every day:  litre

x0.03 = mSv
x0.26 = mSv
x0.13 = mSv
x0.08 = mSv

x0.09 = mSv

The no. of hours you spend on watching TV a day:  hr
x0.005= mSv
X-ray examination
The no. of chest X-ray examination you took in the past year:  time(s)
x0.02 = mSv
The no. of  pack(s) of cigarette you take a day:  pack(s)
x0.54 = mSv
Reference: CDC (1992) "Syllabus for Secondary Schools: Physics (A-level)". Hong Kong: Education Department.
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