Philosophical and Spiritual

Philosophical and spiritual pursuits arise from and are expressions of human beings' search for meaning. While in a most general sense philosophy is a self-reflective activity, spirituality carries a more experiential connotation as a dimension of human existence grounded in the capacity for profound experiences and the drive towards transcendence.

Courses in this area help students to engage in their own search for meaning variously through the mastery of relevant methods such as rules of logic, the study of examples of philosophical and spiritual pursuits, and/or the philosophical investigation of significant issues in contemporary living.

GEA1001Exploring Philosophical Aspects of Life Through Stories人生哲學
GEA1002Life and Death生與死
GEA1003Globalization and Justice全球化時代與世界公義
GEA1004Exploring Creativity創造力之探索
GEA1005Moral Theories and Decision Making是與非
GEA1006The Pursuit of Happiness快樂的追尋
GEA1007Visiting Life Experiences Through Films從電影看人生
GEA1008The Morality of the Water Margin水滸傳的道德世界
GEA1009Critical Thinking for Everyday Life: Exploring the Evidence
GEA1010Immortals and Immortality : the Quest for Eternity神仙與長生:永恆的追尋
GEA1011The Theory and Practice of Confucian Morality內聖外王:儒家的道德理論與實踐
GEA1012Buddhist Ethics: Conflicts and Dilemmas in Modern World佛教倫理:現代世界的衝突與困境
GEA1013Faith and Reason信仰與理由
GEA1014Christianity and Social Concern
GEA1015Abrahamic Faiths: Judaism, Christianity and Islam
GEA1016Truth and Falsity: Critical Thinking真與假:批判思考
GEA1017Self: A Philosophical Inquiry自我的哲學探究
GEA1018Global Religion: Islam
GEA1019Confucian Human Relationships儒學的人倫觀
GEA1020Buddhist Paths to Liberation in Modern Life現代生活的解脫之道:涅槃、成佛與覺悟
GEA1021A Narrative Perspective of Stories in Life以敘事探究思考生命故事
GEA1022Knowledge, Truth and Society知識,真理與社會
GEA1023Morality and the Good Life道德價值與個人幸福
GEA1024World Ethics and Climate Change
GEA1026Interpersonal Relations: Chinese Guanxi and Western Networks
GEA1027Lifecycle, Beliefs and Practices in South China華南中國社會的信仰和儀式生活
GEA1028Tradition and Transformation: Taoism in Hong Kong傳統與變遷中的香港道教
GEA1029Self and Family in South China華南中國社會的個人與家庭 
GEA2025Spirituality, Health and Well-being in the Modern World現代世界的靈性、健康與幸福
GEA2030Life Coaching with the Aid of Peer Support
GEA2031Positive Education for Well-being in Everyday Life追求幸福感的正向教育