Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 3, Issue 1, Article 7(June, 2002)
Sam LEE, Ellen SHEK and Nicole WONG
WWF Hong Kong Environmental Education Programmes
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Other Programmes and Resources for Teachers

4.1 Teacher Multiplier Programmes
As mentioned in Section 3.2.1, the Teacher Learning Centre aims to provide facilities and training programmes to develop teachers' capacity for environmental education by encouraging continuous active learning and participation. The TLC also helps develop networks and facilitates sharing of teaching experience among teachers of environmental education. We have also established a Teacher Networking Channel to facilitate better communication and sharing between WWF Hong Kong and teachers. Teachers interested in joining this network can contact our Administrative Assistant by e-mail at [ ]. To provide update environmental education news to both local and worldwide teachers, a quarterly environmental education newsletter (in Chinese) has been published since 2001 and issues can be viewed in our website

Environmental education materials have been regularly developed to support teachers in promoting environmental education within the TLC or in their own school.

At present there are two general Environmental Education Training modules, one for primary school teachers and the other for secondary school teachers. We will be expanding and developing more training modules in the coming years, including one for kindergarten teachers, 'Whole school development day' and district focus. Further enquiries about the multiplier programme please contact our Administrative Assistant on tel. no. 2652 0285 or by e-mail at [ ].

4.1.1 Evaluation of the Programme
Since the Teacher Multiplier Programme is relatively new, in order to help us enhance and improve it, teachers who attended the seminars and workshops were encouraged to fill in an Evaluation Form. The information presented is based on a 82% return rate. Based on respondents' answers, it showed that there is a demand for such programmes as teachers would like to obtain more environmental education ideas and knowledge and that most of them participated on their own accord and time. When asked about teachers' preference in the type of supporting resource materials, many in-service teachers have shown an increasing acceptance of using information technology rather than traditional hardcopy/booklet format. Respondents' comments on the training workshop were very positive with 100% totally or mostly agreed that the training content was rich and 99% stated that the workshops provided useful environmental education knowledge. 97% of the respondents totally or mostly agreed that the workshops were up to their expectation and 100% of the respondents would recommend the workshop to others. When asked what future training topics should the workshops focus on, coastal ecology and Hong Kong environmental education resources were the two most popular.

4.2. Outreach Programmes
Non-formal Education Programmes
To promote teachers' role in running environmental education in their schools, travel exhibition packs have been developed for both primary and secondary schools. The environmental education exhibition packs are comprehensive education materials with display panels, teachers' guide and suggested activities for teachers to organise environmental education activities in their school. Since 1998, three topics (eight sets for each) of exhibition packs have been developed for primary and secondary schools to borrow from our Centre. Enquiries please contact our Administration Officer on tel. no. 2652 0285 by e-mail at [ ].

The exhibition pack topics include:

You can view the exhibit pack for Wetland Conservation in Action in our website . In 2003 we aim to develop an exhibition pack focusing on marine conservation in Hong Kong.

To echo annual environmental events such as World Wetlands Day, World Environment Day, Environmental Protection Festival, we organise programmes on different themes to promote the environmental conservation message to the general public or schools. This year, to echo World Environment Day, we will be conducting an orienteering game entitled 'Urban Park Life Orienteering' for primary schools in Hong Kong Park, focusing on waste reduction and air pollution. Game implementation logistics will be uploaded to the WWF Hong Kong website and teachers can adapt it to run similar environmental education activities using urban parks.

4.2.1 Evaluation of Travel Exhibition Packs
In the past, WWF Hong Kong's outreach programme included school visits and a travelling mobile classroom. However, it was found that the programme was not cost-effective as it involved a large number of staff to run the programme. In addition, we also found that due to visit time constraints the impact on students was minimal because of the very short time that students were exposed to the information we wished to convey. To continue our outreach services, we decided to make use of the "multiplier mechanism" and developed the travelling exhibition packs whereby schools could organise their own environmental education activities within their the school compounds over a longer period of time. Schools could borrow the pack for up-to a week and the majority of schools have made use of the pack for their environmental weeks. Feedback from schools has been generally positive and encouraging and many schools have found the packs effective in promoting environmental education in their school.

4.3. Education Resource Materials development
WWF Hong Kong has produced more than one hundred education materials over the past twenty years. Materials produced include leaflets, books, slide packs, posters, documentary films, a CD-ROM, exhibition panels and activity packs. In addition, as mentioned in section 2.3 Programme Development strategy and objectives, WWF Hong Kong will upload our education resource materials in our website as well as using the information technology to develop education resources

WWF Hong Kong magazines About Life and Panda Club Post are published quarterly and carry the most up to date environmental information. All WWF Hong Kong publications are donated to all schools, public libraries and related government departments in Hong Kong.

Involving Teachers in the Production of Education Materials
WWF Hong Kong involves in-service teachers in the development process for educational materials whenever possible. In-service teachers are involved in the design and field testing of educational activities proposed in education packs. All education packs developed are curriculum linked to promote and facilitate integration of environmental education into the formal curriculum using a cross-curricular approach. Involvement of in-service teachers in the education material development process not only helps secure greater user-friendliness of the end-product but the process itself also serves as a learning opportunity for both WWF Hong Kong education officers and the teachers involved.

Partnership with Government in the Promotion of Environmental Education
Production costs of education materials are either supported by local green funds or the private sector. The Hong Kong SAR Education Department is an important partner with WWF Hong Kong in promoting the use of environmental education materials in Hong Kong. Promotion includes organising seminars, workshops or field trips for teachers in order to introduce and demonstrate how to use the materials. The education materials and promotion circulars are sent to schools by the Education Department on behalf of WWF Hong Kong to arouse greater school attention through official governmental recognition and support of our projects. Education Department Inspectors also help long-term promotion by introducing the materials to teachers or school heads during their regular visits to schools and teachers gatherings.

4.4. Networking with GOs and NGOs
WWF Hong Kong has established and maintained a good communication network with both local and overseas GOs and NGOs on environmental education. Our WWF Hong Kong Education Committee Members include representatives from selected Hong Kong SAR government departments, educators and scientists, to supervise planning and help ensure the quality of the programme development and implementation. WWF Hong Kong education officers also sit on a number of environmental education related committees established either by Hong Kong SAR government departments or local NGOs whose aims are to explore opportunities for co-operation and to share ideas.

The wetland management training course and education training courses we organise for overseas nature reserve managers and educators also benefits network building with overseas GOs and NGOs. Identifying partners is also important for programme development, such as the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust that has provided continuing support to the development of WWF Hong Kong's primary school wetland education programme.

4.5. WWF Hong Kong Teacher's Membership Programme
The main aim of the membership programme is to support WWF Hong Kong's conservation and education works. Through participation in our membership programme and in receipt of our quarterly newsletter About Life and Panda Club Post, teachers are updated on conservation news and other conservation facts and information. Other benefits include direct notification of WWF Hong Kong environmental education activities, discounts in WWF Hong Kong Panda Shops and other merchandise outlet as well as discounts for WWF Hong Kong membership activities. For further information please ring our Membership Hotline on tel. no. 2523 2316.

Copyright (C) 2002 HKIEd APFSLT . Volume 3, Issue 1, Article 7(June, 2002). All Rights Reserved.