Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 16, Issue 1, Article 2 (Jun., 2015)
Effects of using inquiry-based learning on science achievement for fifth-grade students

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Review of Literature

With the implementation of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) in 2001, teaching science in elementary classrooms has been on the decline.  Furtado (2010) stated that science has been neglected or taught by a method where the instructor relays information to students who are given a textbook or worksheet assignment to complete.  Students were sometimes allowed to find solutions to real life situations through activities completed in the lab or modeled experiments.  These methods of teaching science might have been effective for test scores, but proved ineffective for increasing literacy in science.  Furtado (2010), Varma, et al. (2009), and Buxton, et al. (2008) suggested that in order to increase student engagement, higher order thinking skills, and achievement, students must be instructed in an inductive process such as IBL.  In implementing IBL, the teacher in Furtado’s study presented a complex real-world problem for students to solve.  Furtado (2010) reported that in the process of solving this real-world problem students do not just memorize facts, but they also observe, inquire, and problem-solve, which assists them in realizing the importance of the facts.  In order for students to receive the maximum benefit from IBL, teachers must be informed and confident in using this method of instruction.  Kazempour (2009) stated professional development (PD) would help increase teachers’ knowledge and change beliefs about how their students learn and how effective their teaching is in the classroom.  In order to implement IBL effectively, teachers must become comfortable with employing basic instructional methods in their classrooms and acquire a basic knowledge of subject matter.  Continued research of IBL in the area of science instruction would have important implications that assist in drawing conclusions about the effectiveness of this method of instruction.  Research of science instruction conducted using IBL may assist teachers in increasing students’ achievement scores, and facilitate schools with the goal of meeting AYP.  Kazempour (2009) asserted that research of IBL methods might reveal whether students gain a more positive attitude toward science and have higher engagement in science activities. 

According to the United States Department of Education (2009), a high percentage of students moving through the United States educational system were achieving below the proficient level in science.  Low performance in science placed students in the United States at a disadvantage when competing with students from other nations.  Students not performing at the proficient level were unprepared for the world outside of school.  The United States Department of Education (USDE) (2009) reported that in the year 2000 in the United States, 82% of 12th-grade students scored below the proficient level on the science section of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) test (“The Facts About,” 2005).  The longer students stayed in the U.S. educational system, the worse they performed.  Students in the fourth-grade were second in the world in science performance in 1995, but by the 12th-grade they fell to 16th place, ahead of Cyprus and South Africa and behind nearly every other industrialized nation.

The NCLB (2001) legislation prompted a variety of educational reforms, including requiring that elementary teachers acquire more knowledge and pedagogy in the areas of science content.  Science teachers must use methods and programs that are supported by evidence that work (USDE, 2009).  IBL is a tool that teachers use to facilitate and scaffold knowledge and experiences for students.  Furtado (2010) stated that traditionally it was thought that K-4 learners were too young to learn and function within the habits of the mind of science learning and experiments.  Waiting until the last year of elementary school before beginning science instruction would put students at a disadvantage.  Children’s natural curiosity to investigate and explore needs to be nurtured in the classroom.  According to Aydeniz, Cihak, Graham, and Retinger (2012), in order to improve the quality of education and make sure that each child achieves in science, inquiry skills must be emphasized over rote memorization of facts.  Aydeniz, et al. (2012) stated that using IBL facilitates students’ understanding the facts, applying science concepts to real life problems, and using science reasoning to complete processes of measurement. 

According to the research school’s School Improvement Plan (2012), elementary students will meet all state targets in science or make significant growth in achievement.  Subgroups such as Black students, students with disabilities, and SES students will meet targets in all subject areas, which includes science.  The School Improvement Plan (SIP) of the research school also stated that there would be an increase in engagement and positive perceptions about school.  IBL, by its very nature, will engage students in the activity and cause them to use higher order thinking to solve problems. 

Furtado (2010) states that elementary teachers teach all of the subjects in school and often do not have adequate background knowledge or pedagogical skills required to teach science to the level it needs to be taught (p. 105).  The National Science Education Standards (NSES) recommends inquiry as the method of teaching science.  Varma, Volkmann, and Hanuscin (2009) stated that inquiry has not been a part of teacher preparation in science instruction and teachers do not feel comfortable using this method in their teaching.  Buxton, Lee, and Santau (2008) revealed teachers graduating from college are neither prepared nor confident about using IBL with their students.  According to Buxton et al. (2008), it is important for teachers to receive quality professional development as an essential way to improve schools in the United States.  Teachers are under a lot of pressure to implement curriculum and instruction that fosters academic growth in a growing diverse population.  Teachers must work with classes of students who are culturally and linguistically diverse as well as students with disabilities and who come from different socioeconomic (SES) backgrounds.  Buxton et al. (2008) assert that teachers are often unprepared to teach children from diverse backgrounds and with great needs such as language differences and learning disabilities.  Now with science as a requirement of AYP, teachers must learn how to teach science to achieve maximum results.  In order to be confident and informed, teachers need to participate in quality professional development to enable them to learn quality methods of science instruction.  Using these new methods of inquiry in science instruction may bring about the inclusion of students who are often overlooked due to learning disabilities, language differences, and socioeconomic levels. 

According to Kazempour (2009), teachers are often hesitant to utilize inquiry-based methods in their classroom because they are unfamiliar with these practices.  Teachers were never taught with IBL when in school, thus, it is an abstract idea to them.  Kazempour (2009) asserts that in order to transform the way teachers teach in their classrooms there must be a change in the way they understand science, the learning process, their students, and effective teaching processes.  Elementary level science teachers perceive other obstacles to teaching science in the classroom as a lack of time, the need to address all of the state mandated standards, and preparing students for high-stakes tests.  Professional development (PD) needs to be viewed as a way to teach IBL as a method for achieving the goals set forth by the state and not as an impediment to them.  Thoron and Myers (2011) state that educators need to model inquiry-based instruction, participate in in-service opportunities on IBL, use IBL curricula and lesson plans, and mentor other teachers as a strategy of facilitating IBL in the classroom.  Modeling, professional development, using IBL curricula, and mentoring other teachers are sound methods for assisting teachers in learning about the use of inquiry in science.

Kazempour (2009) states that science teachers need to guide and facilitate learning and students need to take an active role in constructing their own learning experience.  Assessment was also critical in this study of IBL in helping assess prior knowledge and checking student understanding throughout the learning experience.  Kazempour (2009) supports the theory that there is a need for teachers to receive professional development that brings about changes in their views about what enhances the students’ learning experiences in the science classroom.  There must also be an opportunity for teachers to communicate after PD to share ideas, lesson plans, frustrations, and reflections.  Kazempour (2009) argues that one frustration for teachers is a lack of time allowed for inquiry activities, and plans for IBL activities are scarce.  A lack of funding for resources and the need to share materials is also a hindrance to IBL.  Other issues teachers face includes a lack of support from the school administration and isolation from other teachers.  Thus, collaboration with other teachers is a useful tool when implementing IBL.  Kazempour (2009) concludes that the ultimate goal is to prepare teachers to be literate in science and effective in their practices, citing that professional development may assist in calling attention to these needs.  Thoron and Myers (2011) agreed with the Kazempour (2009) study by recommending that teachers receive PD in inquiry-based instruction.  Teachers using IBL instruction developed better skills with using the inquiry method and mentored other teachers in IBL.  Thoron and Myers (2011) concluded that students taught with IBL scored higher on content knowledge assessments as compared to students who were taught through traditional methods.

Aydeniz et al. (2012) suggested that to ensure that all students achieve in science inquiry, skills should be emphasized over rote memory of facts.  Students with learning disabilities were expected to understand and apply science concepts to situations in real life.  Teachers who taught students with learning disabilities often reported they had a lack of content knowledge needed to succeed in teaching science. Kits were developed and professional development provided to assist teachers who worked with students with learning disabilities.

Kit-based curriculum has been effectively used with students in the regular classroom to increase students’ learning in science.  Science inquiry kits were used with students with learning disabilities to measure the effect of their learning in science.  These kits allowed students with learning disabilities the chance to investigate electrical circuits and magnetism.  Aydeniz et al. (2012) reported that students’ knowledge of electricity improved from a baseline of 4.7% to 76% after the implementation of the IBL activity.  Students’ attitudes also improved from a mean score of 52.8 at the beginning of the unit to 73.0 at the conclusion of the unit (p. 199-200).  IBL had a positive impact on student’s attitude toward learning in science.  In another study by Drake and Long (2009), fourth-grade students were presented with a problem-based science question of how could a young woman maintain the use of her lights despite frequent power outages.  Students in the class assumed the role of scientists while the teacher assessed what students already knew and where they could find information needed to solve the problem.  Watters and Ginns (2000) stated that IBL gave teachers greater confidence in their ability to teach science and facilitate strategies for student-centered activities.  IBL students showed a deeper understanding of content in science.  Kazempour (2009) recommended that IBL practices encouraged a deeper understanding of science about the real world than traditional methods.  The practice of IBL is student-centered where the learning environment uses active learning in a small-group setting.  Drake and Long (2009) stated the curriculum centers around problems rather than disciplines, and also concluded that the IBL group showed an increase in on task behavior (68.72%) over the comparison group (58.75%), in addition to significant growth in the IBL group’s content knowledge (p. 8).  

The teacher-researcher in the current study used a combination of strategies including lectures, demonstrations, worksheets, experiments, and technology.  The attitude and methods of the teacher participating in the case study presented by Kazempour (2009), was very similar to the attitude and methods used by the teacher-researcher.  The teacher in Kazempour’s study had taken creativity out of the aspect of science and his students were seen as a class and not individuals.  After implementing IBL strategies in his science classroom the unique needs and gifts students became visible to the teacher from Kazempour’s study.  The science teacher in this study was able to see the learning differences of his students and identified that each student had something to contribute to the class.  The teacher in Kazempour’s study, initially used lectures, occasional lab sheets and hands-on experiences when teaching, but after professional development, began using IBL methods of instruction.  The teacher began including opportunities for students to pose questions and investigate them using science processing skills and problem solving.  Kazempour (2009) asserted that by using IBL, students are doing most of the work as the teacher facilitates.  Students work as collaborative teams to explore scientific problems and find solutions.  Students allowed to problem solve and think critically will transfer those skills over into every day life and into adulthood. 

Liu et al. (2010), Kazempour (2009), and Thoron and Myers (2011) revealed that some research was available on the achievement of middle and high school aged students using IBL methods.   However, more research is needed at the elementary level.  With the implementation of NCLB (2001), the emphasis has been on subjects that contribute to AYP, such as reading and mathematics.  Science now requires the same accountability for AYP, yet there is limited research on teaching methods to improve science achievement in elementary schools.  Teachers in elementary schools have focused a majority of their time on teaching Reading and Mathematics and the teaching of science has not been emphasized.  Students enter fifth grade at the research school with little or no exposure to science concepts.  The teacher-researcher observed evidence of the students’ eagerness to participate in science activities.  However, science activities require funding, supplies, and planning time.  The constraints of time for constructing IBL projects and a lack of money for supplies are two limitations.  Teachers have little control over instructional budgets, but setting up the curriculum for IBL must take priority if students are to learn problem solving and higher order thinking skills through science.  The teacher-researcher hoped to use IBL methods to improve achievement in science at the elementary level.  Despite limited resources and time, IBL teaching methods may be used in science instruction in order to assist students in the use of higher order thinking skills and to make gains in science achievement.

Purpose statement.  Swartz and Gess-Newsome (2008) indicated that science, as a subject of focus, has not been taught in elementary schools as intensively as in the past because of mandates to teach reading, writing, and mathematics from NCLB.  In classrooms where science was taught, it most often was with a textbook, worksheets, and an occasional hands-on experiment.  Students need to explore and investigate for answers.  Elementary students must learn what questions to ask if they are to become competitive in the real world.  Inquiry-based learning assists elementary students with acquiring higher order thinking skills by engaging them in problem solving.  When properly used, IBL prepares students for solving real life situations, increases engagement in science, and skills transfer from school to problem solving in every day situationsThe findings of the current study may be of interest to all science teachers, and to administrators and school districts. 

Research Questions 

Research question 1.  Will the science achievement scores of fifth-grade students increase with the implementation of inquiry-based learning strategies as compared with traditional instructional strategies?

Research question 2.  Will the attitudes of fifth-grade students increase with the implementation of inquiry-based learning strategies as compared with traditional instructional strategies?

          Research question 3.  Will the levels of engagement of fifth-grade students increase with the implementation of inquiry-based learning strategies as compared with traditional instructional strategies?

Definition of Variables 

Inquiry-based science instruction.  Inquiry-based science instruction is posing a problem to students and providing students with the materials to investigate and solve the problem.  In the current study, one group of students participated in inquiry-based instruction.  Students created the questions that needed to be answered in order to solve the problem. Students were required to read science trade books or other science picture books on the research topic in order to gather background knowledge.  Materials were then provided to students for them to use in problem-solving tasks.  When inquiry tasks were completed, students shared their discoveries with other members of the class.  Students in the inquiry class wrote entries in their science journals about the process and their findings after each task.  Journals provided the teacher with information about the students’ understanding of the problem and how it could be solved.

Traditional science instruction.  Traditional science instruction is the use of a science textbook, worksheets, and a weekly experiment or demonstration.  In the current study, traditional methods of science instruction involved the use of a science textbook, worksheets, and a weekly experiment or demonstration.  The teacher-researcher read information from the textbook to the students.  Students answered questions about the science topic on a worksheet.  The teacher-researcher guided students through the process of conducting an experiment, and also modeled experiments for the class to witness.

Science achievement.  Science achievement is a gain in scores toward mastery of the Georgia Performance Standard (GPS).  In the current study, science achievement was assessed with the use of a pre and posttest created from elements of the GPS.  Achievement was also measured by the quality of journal entries written by science students.

Attitude towards science.  Attitude is defined as how students think or feel about science.  In the current study, attitude was measured using a teacher-created survey.  Students completed the survey prior to beginning the science unit and after the completion of the science unit.  Pre and post surveys were compared to measure any positive changes in attitudes toward science. 

Engagement in science class.  Engagement is defined as whether or not a student is on task and is actively involved in the teaching and learning activities throughout the lesson.  In the current study, out of seat behavior, talking, laughing out loud, daydreaming, and playing with materials in a way they were not intended to be used during lab time were examples of students failure to be engaged.  Examples of engagement were attentiveness in classroom discussion, participating in classroom discussions, completing assigned reading, and being actively involved in group work.  An engagement checklist was used to record student on task engagement throughout the lessons. 


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