Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 15, Issue 1, Article 2 (Jun., 2014)
Pablo Antonio ARCHILA
Are science teachers prepared to promote argumentation? A case study with pre-service teachers in Bogotá city

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The Methodology is divided into two phases. Firstly, one program offered to future chemistry teachers was surveyed to determine if argumentation was included implicitly or explicitly. Secondly, a questionnaire was applied to 18 pre-service chemistry teachers from ninth semester. This instrument permitted knowing some representations and practices about the place of argumentation in the preparation of 18 individuals.

Data collection

In the first phase the Administrative department, responsible of the chemistry degree, provided useful documents related to the studies program implemented to prepare future chemistry teachers. The names of 70 mandatory subjects were revised and the syllabus of one subject was studied to determine if pre-service chemistry teachers had the opportunity to be prepared in how to promote argumentation in high school students.

In the second phase the questionnaire was validated by experts from the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (Colombia) and the Université Lumière Lyon 2 (France). Firstly, the questionnaire was applied to six pre-service chemistry teachers of ninth semester. This first application allowed improvements and consolidation to the instrument. Secondly, the final questionnaire (20 questions) was administrated to 18 pre-service chemistry teachers ninth semester. To answer the questions, 18 individuals arranged time they deemed necessary in order to promote the reflective nature of the questionnaire.

The elaboration of the questionnaire responds to categories that allow knowing some of the representations and expectations of future chemistry teachers about the place of argumentation in the studies program offered by their university and their role in promoting high scholars’ argumentation. To structure the instrument, representations are understood as "... forms of practical thinking, oriented communication, understanding, and management of social, material and ideal environment" (Jodelet, 1986:474). For the purposes of this article, eight questions selected (9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19) were analyzed.

Data analysis

Firstly, 70 subjects that conform the chemistry degree‘s studies program were classified in three groups: disciplinary, pedagogy and didactics, and others. This classification permitted to choose one subject from pedagogy and didactics; known as “Professional practice teaching II”. This subject was chosen because it permitted to have information about the 18 pre-service chemistry teachers’ practices. Secondly, syllabus of the subject chosen was examined: objectives (of teaching and of learning), theoretical foundations (problematic and thematic nucleus), classroom practices proposed, competences to be developed, and assessment strategy predicted.

18 pre-service chemistry teachers from ninth semester volunteered. Data collected after application of the questionnaire were treated separately question by question using Microsoft® Excel. This program was used during phases one and two because of its usefulness in managing the lists and/or databases, which can sort and filter information (Charte, 2010).


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