Centre News

Visit for Outstanding Scholar of Tin Ka Ping Foundation,
Prof. Huang Zhongjing,
East China Normal University, China

Prof. Huang Zhongjing, Outstanding Scholar of Tin Ka Ping Foundation visited the APCLC on April 23 – 28, 2018.

During his visit Prof. Huang provided consultation on:
  the data analysis of the Instructional Leadership project (a large-scale project led by Prof. Allan Walker) and on the implementation plan of Dr. Qian Haiyan’s new GRF project: ‘Promoting teacher learning and improving instruction: What is the role of cross-school instructional leadership?’, and on the proposal writing of colleagues (Dr. LU Jiafang and Dr. CHEN Junjun) who will collect data in the Chinese Mainland;
  for post-graduate students and EdUHK faculty who are interested in Chinese education and policy studies in China; and
  the preparation of book proposal(s) to Springer to co-edit books in the area of education policy and leadership in China.